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Juicing is fun, until...

We love juicing. We started a few years back and loved the way we felt. The energy, the vitality.

Discovering an incredible lifestyle that starts with something as simple as drinking a freshly made juice was life-changing. We were sold.

We got a juicer, scouted stores for the best price for ingredients, bought glass jars; we started juicing daily.

From the start we struggled a bit with the discipline to gather, clean, prepare and store ingredients. Eventually we devised a good system and built an efficient habit around it.

But the step we never loved was following recipes.

Like everybody else, we experimented a bit and a few times we had successes (those recipes you wish you had written down). Most of the time, though, we follow recipes we found on books, magazines or online.

You see, everyone sharing a juice recipe has the best intentions in mind and we appreciated it, however, after following the same recipe more than once, we realize the outcomes could be completely different.

The taste, color and texture was different each time.  We had no control over the serving size, either we made too much or too little juice.  We had no idea how to scale recipes to larger yields… frustrating is a mild way to describe our juicing adventures.

That is why we decided to find a better way to juice with recipes that no longer were limiting, imprecise and frustrating.

After years of trials, testing and inventing a new system that ensures precision juice recipes, we created Juizier to share our discoveries and tools and help everybody enjoy juicing as much as we do now.


Precision is key

One of the key features that make modern life possible is precision. This is specially true in food preparation. The possibility of buying something at the supermarket that we know will taste exactly the same each time is thanks to the precision of its recipe.

The same goes for cooking or baking at home. Specific quantities, uniform units, laid out steps.

But with juicing, none of it. Why?

Why should juice recipes be an unknow adventure every time? Unpredictable results, all over the place yields, inaccurate nutritional values.

With Juizier, we removed the frustration of unreliable juice recipes.

We created a system in which, if you follow the recipe and measure properly, the outcome in yield, flavor and nutrition will be consistent every time with a 5% margin of error. Impressive when the preparation involves crushing, mushing and squeezing raw ingredients.

This is how we did it.

Normalized ingredients

We researched and painstakingly measure every ingredient listed in our recipes. Calculated its density at different maturity stages, water content, flavor changes, varieties and more importantly, their average size found in stores. This allowed us to find the most standard size and weight for each ingredient.

But that was still not precise enough, so we went a step further. We measured juice ingredients by grams and then fluid ounces so you know exactly how much you need, in case the ingredient you have whole is too small or too little.

A new juicing algorithm

Now that we had precise ingredient amounts, we created a proprietary algorithm to calculate the ratios needed from each to ensure a predictable outcome every time.

This allowed us to create a formula so you can increase the amount of juice you want to prepare without having to worry about the ratios being wrong. If you make a glass or a pitcher, the result will be the same delicious juice.

No matter how complex the juice recipe is, if you follow the recipe by ingredient quantity, grams or fluid ounces, we guarantee a great juice every time.

A clever way of juicing

After testing each recipe following our new algorithm, we confirmed our suspicion: it is possible to have precision in juicing. It worked. Every time, the right amount of juice, the same flavor, reliable nutritional values.

Now we wanted to share it with everybody. We field tested many different approaches to find the way everyone - regardless of juicing experience - could follow our recipes.

And it worked! We asked our testing subjects to follow some recipes, ranging from the simple to the very complex ones, and every time we got the same response: Everybody loved how Juizier makes juicing easy and fun.


You'll love juicing with Juizier

The only thing between you and a new amazing juicing experience is trying Juizier.

And just like us and everybody else who has tried it, you will never go back to the old ways of juicing.

As a companion, Juizier will make your life easier, save you time and money and best of all, make you a juicing rockstar with every juice you make, all the time.

Save time and money

Juizier removes the guessing in juicing. Now you know exactly how much of each ingredient you need to produce accurate amounts of juice. That means less waste, an easier way to plan and buy ingredients, and a simpler way to make juicing the cornerstone of your healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy reliable outcomes

We all have that one recipe we love more than others. With Juizier, every time you make your favorite juice, the result will be the same: exact amount, perfect flavor, consistent nutrition.

This is specially important to those watching their weight, managing a health condition or trying an alternative food plan, in which juicing is more than just a drink, it is a nutritional reliance.

Experiment with confidence

Everybody loves classics, but one of the most delightful aspects of juicing is discovering new juices.

Juizier makes it easy and safe for everybody to explore new recipes or the ones you thought were only for experienced and confident long-time juicers.

We also added tools so you can easily save your favorite juices, add notes and share your feedback.

At the end, all we hope is that you become a juicing lover, enjoy the amazing benefits of juicing, and help everybody you care about have a healthier, more energetic and fulfilling life.