We are creatures of habit. We follow patterns and repeat conditions. The familiar becomes essential and only way to contrast with the unusual.
That’s why the concept of gourmet food was created. A way to escape into flavors and textures of foods that are more than just nourishment.
That blip of genius, just enough to interrupt the linearity of our existence, but not disruptive to the limits of our comfort.
Sweet, short indulgence, to give meaning to the rest, look forward to the next.
A gourmet juice recipe combining the sublime taste of Red Anjou pears, just before they ripe, with mundane ingredients like celery and lemons, and intense ones like basil.
This elevates the juice to a refined drink with sweet, herby and earthy tones choreographed along a comfy, familiar taste.
A hint of green for an otherwise white, bland color. Slightly pulpy texture thanks to the pear.
Separates quickly and pear oxidates even faster. Drink fresh.
Never thought this would work but it does. It is a bit hard to juice pear so I just put a piece of it with a piece of celery and it worked great. The taste is very mild but you know the pear is there. Loved it and will make it again.
Good taste and has made a noticeable increase of energy in the morning. I drank just half the 16oz recipe and was good to go for the whole day. LOVE IT.
Slightly less sugary than Bosc pears, this ingredient juices as a dense, silky and crisp full bodied pear flavor, perfectly paired with citrus ingredients.
An staple for juicing, this ingredient provides excellent yield, neutral flavor and simple juicing without sacrificing nutrition.
Core and cut into wedges without peeling.
Cut into sticks.
Clean but do not remove stems.
Start with the pear and combine some celery to prevent clogs. Add lemon or squeeze it afterwards. Mix basil with more celery.