Another day, another gym sesh… at home or driving there, energy is a must.
Cardio, lifting, squats, no matter; energy is the key to a good sweat.
Some water and powder in a shaker may do, but what’s the fun in that if instead you can have natural licorice flavored watermelon liquid fuel.
The sweet watermelon taste is laced with the licorice flavor of the fennel bulb which in turn is tamed by the lime and mint.
Bright crimson color with a fluid texture, extra refreshing if cold.
The swift delivery of energy makes this easy to make pre-workout juice a winner.
This extremely high yield ingredient mixes well with fruit juices, however, its large sugar content must be balanced with other low sugar vegetables.
This dense bulb may produce a high juice yield, however, for most recipes, a hint of its intense licorice flavor will be more than enough.
The fresh, intense and characteristic flavor of this herb can overwhelm easily other ingredients; use with caution.
Remove rind and pits. Cut into chunks.
Remove stalks if still attached. Peel exterior layer. Cut in wedges keeping the core.
Cut into quarts with skin, or squeeze afterwards.
Start with half the watermelon. Add lime and half of the fennel bulb. Add mint and the rest of the watermelon. Add the rest of the fennel bulb.